Posts Tagged ‘Software’

I originally offered up initial thoughts on “Cloud-Computing and ITS” as part of an article I had prepared back in 2008.  Since then, “the cloud” has made some notable in-roads in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS).  As a result, I thought it would be beneficial to review some of the progress made, and industry buy-in that has occurred since the original analysis.

To re-cap, the cloud computing model essentially outsources IT infrastructure, and in some cases ITS applications (Software as a Service, or SAAS), to a third-partys (external to an operating agencies domain).  End-users simply connect to data, information and/or applications, which originally resided on local servers and managed by local applications, via a web interface.

The cloud-computing model significantly reduces upfront capital costs, as well as recurring operations and maintenance costs associated with IT infrastructure, and greatly expedites an agency’s ability to implement new applications and services.  This also allows transportation agencies to focus on transportation, and minimize resources required to operate and manage IT infrastructure, an extremely attractive option in tight economic conditions (such as those we have experienced since 2008).  Another huge advantage to the cloud computing platform is the ability to modify computing resources in real-time.  Cloud computing implements an elastic infrastructure ideal for real-time scaling, providing network and computing capacity on the fly, or enabling “capacity on demand”, also at greatly reduced cost.

Cloud-based applications allow for centralized applications, that can be managed (updated and distributed), from a central location, within a highly resilient and redundant infrastructure. Top tier cloud platforms have implemented multiple layers of redundancy and security, thus providing a more reliable platform than those typically constructed, operated and maintained at the public agency level.  In addition, applications in the cloud can be updated more smoothly and more frequently without having the need to redistribute to each client, or cause disruption to individual customers. Finally, cloud computing is establishing a technology framework that enables the removal of many silos and motes that exist between transportation systems, applications, agencies and and the end-users (travelers).

Although high-end commercial cloud services, such as Amazon’s Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) and Microsoft’s Windows Azure are extremely robust, and in most cases nearly impossible to crash, the vulnerabilities on the local side (end user) remain [Note: Amazon’s EC2 did experience a significant outage on 4/21/2011] .  Loss of internet connection at the user level will preclude access to the data, information, application or supporting infrastructure.  In some cases, the use of a cloud framework lessons the accessibility to data.  Data and information residing in the cloud may be subject to privacy and security concerns, should the cloud provider be vulnerable to outside attacks.

Several transit vendors, most notably those providing CAD/AVL and traveler information services have already begun utilizing the cloud.  Products such as TeloTrack provide real-time, web-based CAD/AVL for transit systems.  Data is directly aggregated by the vendor through a central (cloud-based) application, and accessed by the operating agency via the web.  Cloud computing services have shown to be ideal for transportation systems that are variable in nature, most notably traveler information systems.  During special events, weather events or emergency situations, the platform allows for real-time scaling to deal with user demand spikes.  In some cases there is a public-facing web interface as well, also subject to usage spikes.  The cloud is probably the most ideal vehicle for assisting in the mitigation of system silos surrounding data and information resources.  The cloud can quickly and efficiently implement a centralized data warehouse, free of technological and information-architecture constraints typically encountered during the fusion of data and information from multiple transportation agencies. The cloud framework is an ideal framework for managing data and information exchanges for connected vehicles, however, potential latencies and reliability of network connectivity reduce the overall functionality of this model with regards to connected vehicles.  The framework will be ideal for data collection, aggregation and warehousing, as well as provide a resource for monetization and third-party application development.

Further reading:

Six Questions Every Executive in Infrastructure & Transportation Services Should Ask About Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing for Agent-Based Urban Transportation Systems

It’s no secret that traffic signal systems are an essential component to the day-to-day operations of any urban transportation network.  At the core of these systems is the central software, which typically provides centralized command and control functions, including management of communications between signalized intersections, as well as management of signal phasing, signal timing and signal coordination plans.  These applications also often include command and control capabilities to operate and manage ITS technologies such as closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras, dynamic message signs (DMS), and vehicle detection systems. Due to the operational importance and magnitude of their direct interface with the traveling puiblic, central applications hold the greatest potential for improvement of operational efficiencies and optimization of existing transportation networks.

Applications currently available provide a wide range of features and options for traffic management agencies.  Most of the current vendors have been in the business for 20 years or more, so their products are well seasoned.  Current centralized applications do a nice job of providing basic command and control of typical traffic signal systems, provided the operating agencies are dedicated to maintaining the fiscal and physical resources required to operate and maintain these systems.  However, during tough economic periods such as these, operating agencies have become increasingly short-staffed and must provide existing operational levels with extremely constrained budgets. In many instances, monitoring and management of central software is given up for responding to operations and maintenance issues in the field, thus increasing the need to further streamline and automate these applications.

One of the shortcomings of central signal system software is their ability to rapidly evolve.  Unfortunately traffic signal system software has historically evolved at a glacial pace, sometimes requiring 10-15 years for significant feature upgrades.   When newer transportation technologies emerge, it is essential that the central applications adapt in order to integrate the new technologies.    

New technologies such as connected vehicles, smart phones and cloud computing will require significant modification to existing software platforms.  With the pending onslaught of “connected devices” on its way, it will be necessary for the traffic signal applications to communicate with other transportation and infrastructure platforms.  New operations models, including the Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) model, will exchange data and information between vehicles and traffic management systems, most notably Signal Phase and Timing (SPaT) data. Will “open data” and open-source platforms such as Linux or Android ever be able to make it into the central applications?   Only time will tell.  

The recent emergence of cloud-based architectures also holds potential value for traffic signal systems.  Cloud-based central apps would provide an optimized tool for regional signal system operations, establish a centralized data warehouse open for third party development and lesson the infrastructure and staffing needs associated with operating and maintaining today’s central applications.