A Graphical History of ITS Technologies

Posted: July 9, 2011 in Uncategorized

Several years ago I started to develop the following graphic in an effort to track the chronological evolution of ITS technologies.  The graphic was helpful in understanding some of the linear relationships associated with each technology, as well as assisting in the illustration of key shifts in the application ITS technology “types”. For example, first generation ITS (or ITS 1.0) saw the leveraging of “one way” technologies.  Around the year 2000 we see the emergence of collaborative or “two-way” communications technologies (or ITS 2.0).  Finally, around 2004 we started to see the emergence of automated vehicle operations and automated inter”active” system operations and system management (or ITS 3.0).  The graphic has also been helpful in attempting to chart the future trends and trajectory of future ITS technologies.  The impact of technologies, represented by the corresponding size of “bubble” is subjective and of course, open to debate.


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